Junior Yoga is a set of movements in which classic yoga postures are adapted for children, allowing them to direct their energy positively.

There is no winning or losing in kids’ yoga. Thus, children express their creativity in a safe environment without competition. Having fun together, learning and playing is the real reward for children.

Mindfulness, which we often hear these days, is the ability to live intensely in the present. While children are little masters of mindfulness at first, as they grow up, that is, as they learn to imagine the future and look to the past, they either lose or stop using the very valuable skill of “conscious awareness”. Of course, they can re-learn to develop it in adulthood, but wouldn’t it be better to help them preserve and develop this perfect gift as they grow?

We also combine yoga with songs, stories and games. The basic postures in Junior yoga are named after animals, plants, objects and nature. Stories and games prolong children’s attention span when invested, helping them expand their imagination. To avoid boredom, the transitions between movements in music, stories and games and the time holding a position are faster than in adult yoga.

From a mental point of view, kids’ yoga helps increase the child’s self-confidence and motivation. It enhances the ability to express themselves by allowing them to experience different, more accessible ways of learning. It improves their awareness of group work, creativity and problem-solving, as well as helping to reduce exam anxiety. It facilitates the learning of school-age children and increases their awareness of their environment.

The main benefits to the physical development of children are the regulation of internal organs, strengthening the immune system and increasing flexibility-balance-power coordination. In addition, adolescence has been observed to be easier in children who begin to practise yoga regularly at an early age.

Yoga makes children calmer and more peaceful and teaches them to trust themselves. Junior Yoga is much more than yoga poses. It is a way for children to discover themselves.